Wellspring implements the New York State Next Generation Standards in literacy and mathematics and the New York State content standards for core academic subjects such as social studies, science, health, the arts, and physical education. Higher order/critical thinking is integrated through thought-provoking activities and questions in each subject. The curriculum is further enriched by the use of multimedia and manipulatives to allow students to discover and develop their talents.
Each classroom is aesthetically pleasing and print rich consisting of work in progress, completed model student work that meets standards, word walls, data walls, content appropriate posters and pictures, inspirational sayings, and content area libraries. Each elementary classroom is organized to include sectioned stations for individual work or conferencing, groupings for small or large group instruction, and a content library center. Each classroom has access to technology such as laptops and an interactive whiteboard.
On a daily basis, students are engaged in differentiated learning experiences that are cognitively complex and will enhance and internalize their learning. Teachers will constantly monitor and assess students’ progress toward content mastery through a variety of formative and summative assessment tools such as presentations, performances, quizzes and tests, writing assignments, performance tasks, laboratory write-ups, and other demonstrations. The data and analysis from these assessments will be used to further guide and differentiate instruction.